Do you need humanitarian aid? Information and search portal with a list of humanitarian organizations! (click here)Do you need humanitarian aid? Information and search portal with a list of humanitarian organizations! (click here)
Mykolaiv, Nikolskaya str. 25, office 11

Congratulations ☺️

BF “Schedryk” continues to provide assistance to people😌

But it continues to cooperate with the Mykolaiv city government 🤗

We remind you that people in the following categories can receive help:

✅Pensioner 60+

✅Persons with disabilities (1,2,3 groups)

✅ Large families

✅ Single mothers (fathers) raising minor children

✅ IDPs

✅indigent (confirmed by a certificate)

✅presence of chronic diseases (confirmation by relevant documents)

✅ Children up to 2 years old

All instructions on how to get help are available on the social networks of BF “Schedryk”!

BF “Shchedryk” works together with city social services, so if for some reason you cannot register on the site, or you are unable to move around on your own, you can contact the following telephone numbers:

City Territorial Center of Social Services (provision of social services)

Ingul district –

St. 12 Longitudinal, 50-A

(0512) 64-89-89

Central district –

St. Shevchenko, 19-A

(0512) 53-77-19

Factory district –

St. Kuznetska, 83

(0512) 30-01-25

Ship district –

PR. Bogoyavlenskyi, 301/2

(0512) 64-50-61

District administrations of social payments and compensations of the department of labor and social protection of the population of Mykolaiv City Council

Ingul district – st. Mykolaivska, 26 – (0512) 58 61 17

Central district – str. 25 Dekabristiv, (0512) 47-64-09

Factory district – st. Morekhidna, 9 — ((0512) 40 91 56

Korabelny district – st. Novobudovna, 1/1 – (0512) 600484

CU “City Center of Comprehensive Rehabilitation for Children and Persons with Disabilities”

St. 12 – Longitudinal, 50 A

If you have any questions before filling out the application, you can also call the numbers listed below:

Factory district – 067-514-28-22; 067-350-22-12;

Ship District – 067-644-88-38; 067-620-95-00;

Ingul district – 067-370-60-06; 067-644-89-98;

Central district – 067-574-80-50; 067-514-80-10.

We sincerely thank our partners of Tarilka NGO

And WFP (World Food Program) from the UN for the opportunity to help people

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