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Mykolaiv, Nikolskaya str. 25, office 11
We are in Kherson 🍉
Волонтери біля знаку Херсон

⚡️⚡️⚡️We waited and here it is ⚡️⚡️⚡️

⚡️⚡️⚡️WE ARE IN KHERSON 🍉⚡️⚡️⚡️

Kherson was under occupation for a long time, but people believed and expected that everything would be fine and they would be free.

And thanks to our defenders, the city is free, the city is at home💙💛

We are infinitely grateful to ALL our HEROES who returned the city to their home at a very high price ❤️

And we, in turn, together with the WFP (World Food Program) from the UN and Tarilka NGO

They have ALREADY issued aid to people☀️

10,000 loaves of bread and       10,000 cans of canned food were issued ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Right now in Kherson it is a very difficult situation, but even in spite of this, people are JOYING, because they are HOME again 💙💛

We are very grateful to our drivers Roman and Igor, who, despite all the risks, went to Kherson for the sake of the people

We thank the “LDK” company that helped us distribute aid 🤗

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