Do you need humanitarian aid? Information and search portal with a list of humanitarian organizations! (click here)Do you need humanitarian aid? Information and search portal with a list of humanitarian organizations! (click here)
Mykolaiv, Nikolskaya str. 25, office 11
The Charitable Foundation “Shchedryk” has entered the top 50 nominees for the “Responsibility Award” prize.

The foundation became the laureate of the “Responsibility Award” in the category of “History of Responsible Partnership: Communities.” The project submitted for the competition involves the restoration and sustainable development of agricultural chains in broiler poultry farming in the territories of Mykolaiv region affected by Russian aggression.

In the category, 20 civic organizations and charitable foundations had the opportunity to participate, and among the 50 nominees from three different directions, 10 emerged as winners. According to the event organizers, this year’s awards recognize organizations that have been working during the full-scale war to strengthen Ukraine and promote responsibility at various levels.

The award was established by the Bogdan Havrylyshyn Family Foundation in 2021.


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